Since 1993

Share your truth.
Reap the re/awards.

Your advancement database does so much more than keep tabs on donors, alumni, and friends. It holds hidden treasure -- the data you need to tell the stories your donors long to hear.

Give donors relevant information.
Get more acquisition and retention.

Like one of my personal heroes in the world of donor relations, I also believe that there are two things that donors absolutely need to keep them engaged and motivated to give:

  • timely, personalized acknowledgments (separate from tax receipts)
  • information about the impact of their giving

I know this is not news. But it's not easy to provide these things to every donor. Data silos, complex soft credit associations, limited staff resources, and unformatted, dump-it-all-in-a-text-box GUI field usage can often get in the way.

Stay tuned for a blog post about how I tackled this problem using technology we had on hand.

Let your inner-innovator shine.
Earn the recognition your advancement organization deserves.

In the advancement world, there are awards. And then there are awards. We all know which ones.
I have extensive experience creating award-winning advancement projects and submission packets. In fact, I think I have it down to a science.  Check out my blog to learn how I write to win, and how you can, too.

Sharing concept formula on a chalkboard
A handwritten thank you card to show gratitude and appreciate
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Bronze Star on the granite floor in black and white

Personalized Donor Communication Solutions

Looking for a data-driven solution to your donor acknowledgment challenges?

Check out the presentation I gave at the CASE DVII conference in 2015.

Industry Award Candidacy: Project Analysis

Got an advancement project that you think might garner some serious industry awards but you’re not sure it’s worth a time-consuming submission? Take my quiz to help you decide.

Industry Award Submission – Full Service

So you know that your advancement project is an award just waiting to happen. But do you have the time it takes to put together a winning submission?  I am a seasoned and savvy submission author with a series of sensational successes (including a global award).